Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Classroom Elf Adventures- Part 3 of 3

We have reached the final week of our classroom elf adventures!

Dot was a very busy elf this week!

I had planned to switch my table groups for the last week of December, but then I had an idea...

The kids were so surprised when they came in and saw that Dot had wrapped our desks (and even more surprised when they unwrapped their desk to find that it wasn't theirs anymore!)

Monday was also the day that we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We got to write about how we would make the Grinch grin, which resulted in answers like: I would invite him to dinner at my house.

Unfortunately, we were also quite loud/chatty (which may have had something to do with the excitement of unwrapping desks this morning... oops!) When we came in the next morning, we found that the Grinch had shown up and captured Dot!

He had also started everyone on red! Oh dear!

We opened up Dot's mailbox to find that there was no letter from Dot, but there was a letter from the Grinch! He told us that he was able to catch Dot because we were so loud yesterday and the only way to free her from his trap was to work quietly today. He also bet us that we couldn't do it! Well, we were ready for the challenge!

The kids did their very best to work quietly and stay on task (which was still not quite as good as they usually are, but I took into account the excitement of the upcoming winter break). When we came back from lunch we found...

that not only had Dot freed herself, but she had caught the Grinch!

At the end of the day, we always pick a few compliments from our compliment jar to read before we line up to leave. I just happened to pull a compliment for Dot this afternoon- "Dot, you're funny and nice!" so I thought I would use that for the next day.

The little boy who wrote the compliment was thrilled to see that Dot was reading it to Sylvie the flamingo the next day! The rest of the kids LOVED Dot's new dress and were talking about it all day!

Thursday was field day, and in all of the excitement I forgot to get a picture of Dot wrapped up in the Christmas lights that hang around the board. Oops!

On Friday, Dot decided to go out with a bang... she toilet papered our classroom! I had hung a strip down the window in the front door so that the kids wouldn't see in, and I made sure to warn them that Dot had made a huge mess before they came in. They could not believe their eyes!

They were quick to find the culprit!

Dot was kind enough to send all of the kids off to winter break with a little stuffed elf of their very own. We ended up borrowing the elf on a shelf movie from my pod-mate and watching it at the end of the day, all of the kids brought their little elf to the rug to watch with them. It was adorable!

And so ends our elf adventures for this year!

Click here for Part 1 or Part 2!

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