Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Made It- Classroom mailbox update, teacher stool, and classroom rules display

I have been very busy this weekend crafting for the classroom, so here are my additions to Monday Made It!

Fourth Grade Frolics

 My student mailboxes from last year needed a lot of help. When I went to move them to the new classroom in June the whole thing fell apart! I managed to put it back together and decided that while I was at it, I would make it match the rest of the room. I briefly considered using scrapbook paper to cover it, but then realized what an undertaking that would be and decided to go for duck tape instead. I have seen people using the binder clips for student’s names all over pinterest and love the idea, so I did that too!

Something else that I have seen all over pinterest is the painted teacher’s stool. I decided to give it a try and this is what I came up with…

I painted the whole thing black, added the scrapbook paper circles and printed B on top, and punched out some dots from the scrapbook paper for the little polka dots. The larger polka dots are the circle labels they sell in the office section of most stores. They worked perfectly!

And last, but not least, are my rules. I have a bulletin board above the computers in my new room so I wanted a display that I wouldn’t have to be climbing over computers to change all the time. I figured it would be the perfect place to display the classroom rules. I wanted something that popped a bit more than just printed paper. I got some 8x8 canvases and wrapped them with scrapbook paper and mod podge, then mod podged the rules on top.

One thing to keep in mind is that anything printed on an inkjet printer will bleed when you use mod podge unless you seal it first. There are a number of different ways to do this if you look it up, but I had these printed at Staples to avoid that bother!

Thanks for checking out my second Monday Made it! Let me know what you think!



  1. love, love, love your stool!!! I love polka dots!!!

    Hodges Herald

  2. Thanks! I'm pretty in love with them myself!

  3. Your stool looks great! I didn't put dots on mine because I am a disaster with paint. The stickers/paper would have been a solution. I have an old mailbox too. I need to decide if I am going to use it this year because I will have two classes. If so, it definitely needs to be redone.

    Literacy Spark

  4. Love the binder clip idea for the mailboxes. I need to remember this!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  5. You did an excellent job reusing materials and making them beautiful! Well done!

  6. Hey there Victoria!
    I found you through the Monday Made It Linky Party! I wanted to message you and let you know some cool news! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! It's a need little nomination to let you know that you have a cute blog that helps others! Head over to my blog and see what you need to do to follow through with the nomination! Congrats!
